It’s been a year, looking back this is what I see.
Even in a Hurricane, there is an eye where it’s calm, surreal and sunny.
This pandemic has all of us going in different directions. We are confused, scared, frustrated. We are annoyed, angry and wanting all of this to be a bad dream.
I challenge each one of you to look at what you may be blessed with to gain a better perspective on hope and the future.
That may seem terribly difficult. None of this has been easy but like you, I am trying.
I have been blessed in spite of seeing such confusion, pain and heartache all around me. Hearing your voices and struggles, while Ive silently prayed for each of you.
People I care about are no longer here. The situations is weighing heavy on our hearts. We still go forward. “This too shall pass”.
Right now would be great!
I learned baking for my neighbors didn’t poison them and the small acts of kindness helped us all feel better.
Running errands for those compromised was also something that I could do to be proactive in these times.
My work is priceless, it’s rewarding and something I value.
Making a difference in helping people is never overrated.
Missing some holidays and special occasions really wore on my heart. But, I went around it and mailed special gifts to the ones I love. My children are of my most precious blessings of all. I miss them.
The TV is not a necessity! I started drawing again, reading and doing projects that I’ve left unattended.
My friends and family are the bomb. They’re all crazy in their ways but my life would be so empty without them.
FaceTime is invaluable!
Sending cards to let people know I was thinking of them was better then a text or e mail. Old ways are still useful and people feel good getting a card in the mail just because. The person I grew up with that I’ve known forever ended up being a surprise I never expected. He came through with flying colors. Volunteering when I had time was more rewarding then ever just sending a small donations. Sending a $5 donation adds up.
That can help too.
People need a caring smile, a word of hope.
Sleep is a good thing, when I can grab some.
My dogs are incredibly patient and we all should learn from animals. They are unique creatures who regardless of any circumstances, always loyal.
My ex breaking my heart was indeed a blessing. I wish him all the best but I can see why God closed that door, well, He slammed it shut.
I deserve better. Better is what I’ve been granted. I just had to have some patience.
There are reasons why things don’t work out. When you’re spiraling in the center of it all you get dizzy. Sit still and wait it out.
Prayer is not underrated. It helps. I’m not in a perfect place, none of us are but together we can make it better all it takes is a little kindness. This pandemic is showing me I can and will persevere and so will you. These are all Blessings in my eyes.